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What We Do

Book Distribution 

"We freely provide books to our community members, covering a diverse range of interests and ages. From delightful children's stories to enlightening study books for readers, and educational resources for those eager to broaden their knowledge."


Growth Cycle

We offer scholarships webinars and mentorships for Afghan students, and assist them with their applications.


Online Classes

We provide free online English and SAT classes for Afghan girls who are deprived of education

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Sharing Your Stories

We are aimed to provide a space where Afghan girls are able to share their opinions and convey their message to people on the other side of the planet at a time they are suppressed and their voices are neglected. If you are or know an Afghan girl who is interested to write, we kindly request you to send us a piece of writing (It can be in English, Persian or Pashto). 

Our Impact


We have been elected as the Finalists among over 15000 applicants all over the world.


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