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Growth Cycyle

We help you by introducing exceptional scholarship opportunities and online courses. We assist you through all stages from application process, essays, to enrollment part.

Available Opportunities

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G2L & BTIL Academy Leadership Program:

Girls Towards Leadership – G2L, a non-profit & and non-governmental organization, is passionately committed to bolstering young Afghan women by holding capacity-building programs, providing educational opportunities and advocacy. 

20th May, 2024

SOLA Scholarship for Afghan Girls:

From SOLA Website:

We are a boarding school of Afghan girls in grades pre-6 through 10. From 2016 through 2021, we operated in Kabul; since 2021 and the Taliban’s return, we have operated in Rwanda.

We offer our students an environment where they can focus on their education and potential in a way that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth: a place where they’ll be challenged by a rigorous curriculum and encouraged to take on leadership roles at school and among each other.

15th July, 2024


آموزش رایگان و با کیفیت

با هوش مصنوعی برای همه 

AI-infused Free High-quality

Education For All 

!برای سال ۱۴۰۳ اینجا ثبت نام نماید


Opportunity Description

The Republic of Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education calls for applications for the Kazakhstan Scholarship for International Students in 2024. Applicants of foreign students can apply for full-time study at the Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. levels.

Annual total allocations as follows:

  • Bachelor’s degree– 490

  • Master’s degree– 50

  • Ph.D. degree– 10


  • Application Status: Open

  • Application start: March 30, 2024

  • Application Deadline: 31 May 2024


Opportunity Description

Amazing news for all ocean lovers!
KatKid advernture calls all ocean lover to share their stories about the importance of protecting our oceans.
I you are 5-18 years old. Don't miss this amazing opportunity to share your interests on protecting oceans and winn a cash prize.
Benefits: Cash prize


  • Deadline: September 1, 2024

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